Общение взрослого с ребёнком

Forty-one ways to say "Very bad"

It's out of the question.
It's not your concern.
It's no good.
It's a trick.
It can't be helped.
It's not done.
It's not the thing to do.
That's enough.
That'll do.
Spare me that, please.
That won't work.
That won't do.
This is just too much.
Not another word.
This has gone too far.
And no arguments.
Stop fussing.
You've got out of bed on the wrong side.
Tilings are getting worse and worse.
Things are going from bad to worse.
Absolutely impossible.
No talking.
Nothing done.
Stop that.
That's going too far.
That's the limit.
What's the big idea!
Leave me alone.
Don't do that.
Don't you dare do that again.
Stop! You can't do that.
I won't let you do that.
Why on earth?
Shame on you.
You dare!
You shouldn't speak like that.
You'll pay for it.
It's just like you.
And don't you forget it.
Joking apart.
It's not a laughing matter.


40 способов похвалить малыша

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